Learn to flow your life
Sine Food Therapy
Founded in Hong Kong in 2016, Sine Food Therapy is a modern Chinese Food Therapy consultancy and school that comprises Health in Hand International Consultants and Body Mind Soul Centre Hong Kong with over 15 years of experience in Chinese regimen, alternative therapy, consultation and education.
Ms Rebecca Wong, the founder of Sine Food Therapy, wishes to explore the commonalities of Chinese and Western preventive medicine. We help customers to prevent diet-related diseases and boost immunity through the changes in dietary and life habits. Our concept is based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine theory with a twist of modern elements. The Five Elements series is our signature that represents the balance of the human body. With us, you will discover different properties of food to restore your body and mind balance.
Rebecca Wong

成立於2016年, 是由集合了15年以上有關保健,養生,食療,教育及實踐經驗的母公司「手診保健國際顧問中心」及「香港身心靈健康指導中心」 共同創辦,以全身食療養生概念以五行保健為藍本的概念館。